Fascinated by the same parking structure (see Dec 13), I looked for more intriquing things. Here's what I found :)
P.S. this is photo #100! How funny is that? I'm still shy behind my camera, but I'm taking some tiny steps ahead in learning how to use it. Thank you so much for all your feedback!
@Amanda: thank you :))))
@Ralph Jones: indeed.....and on, and on, and on :)
@k@: thanks, k! you guys feel like my second family! i am grateful to have you in my life, with your awesome shots!!!
@Nesa: parking structure - at work, nez!
@Danielle: grazie, D!
@MARIANA: thanks, Mariana, you are too funny :)))
@k@: Good one, "anti-cyclops"!!! LOL
@marc battault: Thank you, Marc! You are always such a sweetheart! many, many thanks for all the encouraging feedback you have provided me with!
@bekkah: Thank you so much for all your encouragement and great feedback, Bekkah!